Electrical oil and gas engineer

The Kingsmen Group CompEx Training & Certification Center in the UAE provides training and certifications for hazardous industry professionals. This accreditation complies with current international standards and regulations. It focuses on ensuring personnel involved in working in hazardous areas meet safety requirements to keep operations running smoothly and safely. With CompEx Certification EX01 – EX04, practitioners can gain recognition in hazardous industries within the Middle East as well as understand how to design safe systems of work and provide assessments of existing equipment in these areas. Additionally, Ex05 – Ex06 training covers the risk assessment, control measures, installation inspection awareness, isolation techniques and system assessment procedures needed for electrical works around explosive atmospheres. To extend these skills even further, trainers can obtain Ex01R – Ex04R certification which is designed for Engineer’s supervising installation activities around explosive atmospheres.

The Kingsmen Group CompEx Training & Certification Center in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) provides an opportunity for electrical and mechanical professionals in Kuwait with specialist CompEx courses and certification. The extensive range of certificates offered include EX01 – EX04 for working in hazardous industries and hazardous areas, followed by Ex05-Ex06, and EX01R-EX04R programs. All courses are offered to guarantee that all personnel involved are trained to a high-standard of safety that is acceptable across all industries.

The Kingsmen Group CompEx Training & Certification Center in UAE is the leading authority when it comes to certified CompEx training and certification in the Middle East region. They offer a wide range of services to Kuwaiti organizations that are involved in hazardous industries or hazardous areas. The range of services includes offering CompEx courses from EX01 – EX04, along with specialized courses such as Ex05 – Ex06 and Ex01R – Ex04R. This ensures that all employees working at these hazardous industries have the required skills and knowledge before they enter their respective worksites.

CompEx training focuses on ensuring that personnel understand the risks associated with working in a hazardous environment, enabling them to work safely at all times. With proper education, it can help reduce accidents and improve productivity in hazardous areas, making them safer for everyone involved.

The Kingsmen Group “EX Trainings” CompEx Training & Certification Center in UAE offer a range of training and certifications for hazardous industries, hazardous areas and the petrochemical industry. The services available range from CompEx Training (EX01 – EX04) to CompEx Certification (EX05 – EX06) and even Refresher trainings (EX01R – EX04R). Their focus is on providing quality hands-on training courses for professionals working in hazardous locations where various risks must be managed safely. Their center is also well known for its excellent customer service, reliable safety standards and comprehensive training plans tailored to each individual’s needs. With this in mind, their services have been extended to cover Kuwait, allowing them to meet the needs of those looking for an experienced provider of quality CompEx training & certification providers throughout the region.

The Kingsmen Group’s “EX Trainings” CompEx Training & Certification Center in UAE provides a superior service to meet the needs of hazardous industries and hazardous areas in Kuwait. Certified and recognised by the leading industry standards, their CompEx training and certification is unique among its peers, offering the relevant courses for Ex01 – EX04 as well as Ex05 – Ex06 and Ex01R – Ex04R. With experienced and highly trained instructors, they ensure that all those who pass through their doors leave with a full understanding of how to safely work in hazardous environments.

Kingsmen Group offers comprehensive services for CompEx Training & Certification in UAE, providing specialized Ex training and certification programmes designed for hazardous areas across Kuwait. Our team can carry out CompEx Certification EX01-EX04, as well as EX05-EX06 and Ex01R-Ex04R from Certified Affiliates of JTJ Technologies. We understand how safety must come first in hazardous industries and our training approach ensures that workers have access to the highest level of safety standards. Our team not only provides theoretical knowledge but also practice which prepares personnel to handle potentially dangerous situations in a safe and efficient manner.

Make an enquiry

If you would like to make an enquiry about the CompEx Scheme or require further information about any of our qualifications, please contact us by completing our enquiry form.

Candidates have been certified for CompEx 01 - 04 across all these Countries

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