CompEx Ex11 Mechanical

The CompEx Ex11 Mechanical qualification has been developed for mechanical operatives working in hazardous locations where gases, vapours or dusts can form explosive atmospheres.


This qualification is suitable for practicing mechanical operatives who are involved in installing, inspecting and maintaining non-electrical (mechanical) equipment in locations where gases, vapours and/or dusts can potentially create a hazardous area.

Entry requirements

  • Practicing competent mechanical operatives
  • Practicing competent multi-skilled operatives
  • Mechanical engineers with previous practical experience
  • Electro-mechanical engineers with previous practical experience
  • Prior CompEx certification supported by employer sponsored letter


Approximately 3 days, however; some international centres offer an extended course to further support candidates where English is not their first language.


The 3-day course includes:

  • 2 days of guided learning (theoretical 8-12 hours, practical 2-4 hours)
  • 1 days of assessment

This course has been developed in consultation with industry to ensure the core competence of mechanical workers who operate in hazardous environments.

The course consists of a single unit, which incorporates elements from the CompEx Foundation qualification (ExF) to include fundamentals in hazardous awareness and Ex principles.

Candidates will learn about the safety considerations that should be applied to work areas that contain potentially explosive or flammable atmospheres and the factors that are used to classify their location.

The course includes instruction on how to read hazardous area certification, labelling and documentation, and also informs candidates about the main protection concepts, categories and levels that are applied to certified Ex electrical and mechanical equipment.

Successful candidates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to meet the appropriate requirements in the IEC 60079 and ISO 80079 series of standards as well as any relevant national standards and directives.

CompEx Courses

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Key learning objectives

Candidates that successfully complete the CompEx Ex11 Mechanical qualification will be able to:

  • Identify the correct national regulations, directives and IEC/ISO standards which are applicable to hazardous locations containing non-electrical (mechanical) equipment.
  • Identify the correct criteria and descriptors used to classify a hazardous location.
  • Recognise the correct characteristics of common hazardous gases, vapours and dusts discussed during the course.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the basic method and requirements for non-electrical equipment for hazardous locations (constructional safety ‘c’, control of ignition source ‘b’ and liquid immersion ‘k’)
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how certified Ex non-electrical equipment maintains its protection concept and how it is to be selected, installed, inspected and maintained.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of how certified Ex electrical equipment maintains its protection concept and how it is to be selected, installed, inspected and maintained
  • Demonstrate an understanding of required correct equipment selection, e.g. flange, gaskets, bolts and use of current industry flange installation practices.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of leak testing requirements of installed flange arrangements

Qualification details

Candidates who are successful in both the theory and practical assessments will receive a CompEx Certificate in Core Competence. 


Assessment is undertaken using both practical assessments and an online examination that covers the CompEx units Ex F and Ex11.

Online exam

Candidates must undertake a multiple-choice online examination that consists of 60 questions answered over 1.5 hours.

Practical assessments

Candidates are required to undertake two practical assessments:

  • Ex11 – Flange Integrity Installation and leak test – 60 minutes
  • Ex11 – Pumpset inspections (visual and detailed) – 60 minutes

Candidates have been certified for CompEx 01 - 14 across all these Countries

Make an enquiry

If you would like to make an enquiry about the CompEx Scheme or require further information about any of our qualifications, please contact us by completing our enquiry form.


Most frequent questions and answers

The CompEx Ex11 Mechanical course is a theoretical and practical training program designed to impart the knowledge and skills necessary for safe and effective work in explosive atmospheres. This specific course is for mechanical engineers and technicians.

The course is primarily aimed at mechanical engineers and technicians who work in environments where explosive atmospheres may be present, such as oil and gas, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and other similar industries.

The course duration can vary by provider. However, CompEx courses typically take several days to a week, including practical and theoretical assessments.

The course should provide an understanding of the various types of protection and installation methods applicable to mechanical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres. It also typically covers relevant standards, regulations, and legal obligations.

Yes, CompEx courses typically include both a theoretical exam and a practical assessment. The practical assessment usually involves a hands-on task that simulates a situation one might encounter in a real-world environment.

The assessment process usually involves a combination of written exams and practical assessments. Successful completion of the assessments typically leads to CompEx certification. The certification proves that the holder has demonstrated competency in working safely in hazardous environments, particularly related to mechanical installations.

The CompEx scheme is generally recognized worldwide, especially within industries where work is often carried out in potentially explosive atmospheres. However, recognition may depend on local or regional regulatory bodies.

Prior to the course, it’s beneficial to have a good understanding of mechanical principles and familiarity with equipment used in hazardous areas. Some providers may offer pre-course materials to aid preparation.

The certificate is typically valid for five years. After this period, re-assessment is usually required to ensure that the holder’s knowledge and skills remain up to date.

As of the last update in 2021, most CompEx courses required in-person attendance due to the practical nature of the training and assessments. However, due to the ongoing developments in digital learning, it’s best to check with your preferred course provider for the most current information.

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