The Kingsmen Group is proud to present their CompEx Training & Certification Center located in Coimbatore and UAE. This state-of-the-art facility provides comprehensive training and certification services, including CompEx Ex01 – EX04 certifications for hazardous industries, as well as Ex05 – Ex06 and EX01R – Ex04R certifications.

The training facility offers a unique and comprehensive service tailored to suit the individual needs of all its clients. Combining the most up-to-date technology with over years of proven expertise, they bring together the best of both worlds. Through the help of expert instructors and experienced trainers, participants can be confident in the quality of instruction that they receive from this leading facility.

CompEx Training Centre in Kerala

The Kingsmen Group is proud to offer world-class CompEx Training and Certification services to their customers from the EX Training center in Coimbatore, India and the UAE. CompEx Certification EX01 – 04 is provided for individuals working in hazardous industries and areas, as well as an additional expert level range of courses for more advanced training which includes Ex05 – Ex06, and Ex01R – Ex04R. This ensures that their customers are able to receive comprehensive safety training based on their individual needs.

Kingsmen Group, with their EX Training Center in Coimbatore, provides Kerala with top quality CompEx Training & Certification. This is supported by renowned experts in the field of hazardous industries as well as in hazardous areas.

The center offers certification ranging from EX01 – EX04 and is backed by years of experience and knowledge to ensure success for those who attend class. Additional courses such as Ex05 – Ex06 and Ex01R – Ex04R are also available to provide participants with the best possible training for their specific needs.

Kingsmen Group is proud to announce the establishing of “EX Training center” CompEx Training & Certification Center in Coimbatore, extending services to the regions of Kerala. The center will provide world-class hazardous area training and certification from the internationally recognized CompEx scheme; consisting of four main levels EX01 – EX04, with additional qualifications for specific industries and applications such as hazardous areas, Ex05 – Ex06 and most recently releases qualification Ex01R – Ex04R.

At Kingsmen Group’s “EX Training Center” training staff have decades of experience in hazardous area certifications standards, to ensure that students receive the highest quality of instruction. Consisting of both theory and practical components, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of hazardous areas that is needed in today’s industrial spaces.

CompEx Courses

CompEx Certification center in Kerala​

CompEx Certification center in Kerala

The Kingsmen Group “EX Training center” in Coimbatore is a CompEx Training & Certification Center dedicated to providing services to Kerala. The team of experts provides CompEx training and certification for dangerous industries and hazardous areas. They offer various courses ranging from the base fundamental course – EX01 through advanced level courses like EX05 & EX06 along with short targeted refresher courses like Ex01R to Ex04R. The Kingsmen group provide a comprehensive program covering each area of CompEx which will be ideal for anyone who wishes to work in hazardous industries or environments.

The Kingsmen Group “EX Training Center” located in Coimbatore is a hub of industrial safety and provides CompEx Training & Certification for hazardous industries and hazardous areas. This ultimate training center dedicates itself to providing services to clients in Kerala, as well as offering a range of qualifications to advance your career.

The CompEx courses cover the whole suite of competency qualifications ranging from EX01 – EX04 to Ex05 – Ex06 and even further into the advanced specialisations such as Ex01R – Ex04R. They help you gain the skills required for a wide range of dangerous tasks not only for those working in hazardous industries and hazardous areas, but also those that aspire to become advisors, mentors or competent designers.

Make an enquiry

If you would like to make an enquiry about the CompEx Scheme or require further information about any of our qualifications, please contact us by completing our enquiry form.

Candidates have been certified for CompEx 01 - 04 across all these Countries

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